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Government-backed Projects Aim to Strengthen UK’s Position in Space Industry

In an effort to bolster the UK’s burgeoning space sector, six groundbreaking projects have been unveiled today at the Space-Comm Expo, following the release of the government’s Space Industrial Plan. Among these initiatives is Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd’s (SSTL) successful bid for a project under the UK Space Agency’s flagship Space Clusters Infrastructure Fund (SCIF). With a substantial £250,000 public investment, matched by the company, SSTL is poised to enhance its capabilities by establishing a Research and Development Imager Cleanroom in Guildford. This strategic move aims to strengthen the development of cutting-edge space-based imaging technology, crucial for monitoring Earth and the space environment during satellite operations. SCIF, having already allocated £47 million to various projects nationwide, highlights the government’s commitment to nurturing the UK’s space ecosystem, as outlined in the Space Industrial Plan.

Minister for Space, Andrew Griffith, emphasised the significance of such investments, stating, “Our £250,000 investment in Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd underlines the key role this government sees for UK businesses in advancing global space capabilities.” Aligned with the government’s vision outlined in the Space Industrial Plan, this funding injection is poised to invigorate SSTL’s research infrastructure, propelling innovation in imaging technology—an asset crucial for various commercial, defence, and governmental endeavours. Philip Brownnett, Managing Director of SSTL, expressed enthusiasm, remarking, “By enhancing our optical Research and Development Cleanroom Facility, the new project will help address the growing need for space-based imaging equipment for a wide range of commercial, defence, and governmental customers.” Such initiatives are pivotal in positioning the UK as a frontrunner in the competitive global space arena, fostering collaboration, and stimulating further investment across the nation.


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